Transparency Report
As of December 31, 2015, the Board of Directors of Fevzi Adanır & Co Certified Public Accountants is as follows:
Fevzi Adanır Chairman of the Board
Demir Adanır Vice Chairman of the Board
Özlem Adanır Board of Member
Ozan Bozkuzu Board of Member
The company provides Audit and Consulting services to its clients, and as of May 31, 2024, operations are conducted by the Founding Partners Board and 18 staff members.
C.Legal structure of the company
The company is registered as a collective partnership under Chapter 113 of the Companies Law in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and has been operating since 1998.
D. Informative about the Company's Partners
The list of the company’s partners is as follows:
Chairman of the Board and Senior Partner:Fevzi Adanır
Head of the Audit Department:Demir Adanır
Other Partners: Özlem Adanır,Ozan Bozkuzu